Inclusive Access
What is Inclusive Access (IA)?
Inclusive Access items are digital course materials available to students on the first day of class. The cost of the material is charged to the student account (via "MyUTK" account) for all students who are registered for a participating Inclusive Access course. The cost is reduced through negotiation with the publisher due to the participation of the class, section or course in Inclusive Access.
There are different formats for Inclusive Access Delivery:
- Digital Book Only
These digital books are only found on Online@UT (Canvas). There will not be a print copy of the book.
- Digital Book & Courseware with Print Upgrade Option
A print copy of the digital book is not included, but is available at a reduced price with continued participation in the Inclusive Access Program. These print copies are not available for purchase until after the opt out deadline.
- Digital Book and Courseware
Students have access to the digital book and courseware to utilize homework & supplemental materials.
How do these books benefit students?
- Course Materials are provided in digital format.
- Materials can be accessed through Online@UT (Canvas) or a publisher site.
- Available on the first day of class.
- Charged to the student account.
- Accessible on multiple devices.
- Ability to opt out by the add/drop date
Opting-Out & Refunds
Students can opt out of the program- if they choose- which will initiate a refund to their student account by the Bursar. Students who choose to opt out must do so before the deadline and will need to obtain the necessary course materials by other means. The student portal allows students to opt out- or opt back in. Students enrolled in a course utilizing Inclusive Access materials will receive an email with the link to their portal. Opt out must be indicated by the deadlines listed here. Students who drop a class will recieve a refund, if the drop is officially processed by the deadline listed here.